I have been so wrapped up lately in everything surrounding school and attempting to excel in the field, that I've completely neglected my life. I've neglected friends. (Sorry friends, I promise to be fun again.) I've neglected my fun little art blog. And I've neglected writing. (HA. I should clarify, I've neglected writing about art, I've written TONS of papers, some of which were friggin' unnecessary to write.) Needless to say, I kinda lost the spirit. My spirit. That made me sad.
So instead of going to bed depressed, I decided to get up and write a little damnit. And craft a little, damnit! Because why not? As much as I love school right now, I need to distance myself both mentally and physically. So I'm going to aim to make one night a week my craft night.
Tonight's project?
Modifying a glitter painting I did a while back with a cast of my teeth from Perio Lab. OK. I said I would try to distance myself. I'M TRYING, OK?! Back off mang. It's a work in progress. I'm not sure where it's going, but it's better than going nowhere.
In the meantime, enjoy this note from my dad to the tooth fairy from when I was a kid. I'm not sure which tooth was my lucky tooth. We may never know.