gangsta, gangsta...
I just inhaled a chocolate glazed donut. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta. (Note: I didn't realize that gangsta was a real word, as my cool red wobbly-lined spell check indicator did not appear underneath it. Touché, urban dictionary...you win this round.)
So here's the scoop: Materials for the sign? PURCHASED! I got a 4'x4' piece of 1/2 pine and had it cut down into two 18" panels, as the final sign will only be 3'x4'. I bought hinges so I can easily fold the sign in half for easier transport and storage. I'm going to use a light wood stain for the whole sign, acrylic paints for the design and lettering, then a simple varnish to seal it all in.
Also, I am leaving work early today. I overslept and showed up 20 minutes late, too. And I took an hour break to go purchase the sign materials and my donut. GANGSTA. With any luck, Gary's sign will looks as glorious as the MS Paint version of me painting the sign.