
the netti disaster

Last week I was discussing the netti pot with my sister.  There's been a lot of talk surrounding the ol' netti pot lately, especially with that brain eating amoeba down in Louisiana.  I'm pretty sure my brain would welcome the challenge of some lame-ass amoeba.  I'm from Philadelphia.  There's so many chemicals in this water, I'm surprised I haven't magically transform into a Marvel Comic character. Anywho, here's an excerpt from our email correspondence.  (<-- doesn't that word sound official?  I feel like I'm on CNN or something.)

Me: I was thinking before that I had strep symptoms (feverish with the sore throat).... turns out it was just hot snot dripping down my throat.  It has since coagulated and formed a party in my sinuses.  FOR SHAME.  I'd use my netti pot, but I'm afraid of brain eating bacteria.  What is this world coming to?!

Sister:  Jill, you absolutely crack me up!!!  I can’t take that Netti pot thing.  I think I would accidentally drown myself.  “Young woman dies from drowning herself with Netti pot.”  Haha.Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I want Dayquil.  I’m working from home today, which always makes me feel a little bit better with a cold. 

Me: PS, did you see the headlines in the Trentonian today?  Check it out.  So sad.
 This is what happens when you Print Screen, Ctrl+V, and MS Paint.  You get an email like this.