
blood donation

In all of my comings and goings, sometimes I forget to schedule things that are important to me, like donating blood. Let's face it: I'm no millionaire, but I love to give. Blood is a great thing to give because...
1. I have lots of it.
2. It grows back, if you could call it growing back.
3. I get a pretzels, juice AND a sticker. A STICKER!!!
Oopsy daisy.
On Sunday, I accidentally donated blood when I was stained-glassing. I was grinding the edges of every piece by hand in a vat of warm soapy water when I somehow slipped up and sliced two fingers on my left hand. I think it looked a lot worse that it was, but it was a great reminder that I need to PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I'M DOING. Let's face it people. I can't afford to loose another digit. 

I made excellent progress over the weekend with the glass: It is completely cleaned up, copper foiled and ready to solder. Which was a lot more than I was planning on accomplishing. (MENTAL HIGH FIVE, HUZZAAAAH!) Yesterday, I showed some of the pictures below to a co-worker of mine (a very art-savy co-worker, mind you) and he said that the glass reminds him of (drum-roll please...) Gustav Klimt!! I was seriously blown away that he saw the resemblance, and I was really proud of myself for correctly emulating his style, which was my ultimate goal!

Sometime in the near future I want to sketch out my plan for the frames, because they'll have to be sturdy enough to hold the weight of the solder and glass. Here are some fun pictures so far. I don't want to upload an image of the whole piece because I don't want to ruin the surprise!
And, I managed to make a real appointment to donate blood this morning. Guess who's wearing a sticker RIGHT NOW? This guy!