

This week I set out to accomplish two important tasks. One was to finally purchase a frame for my so-called "hanging-worthy painting" and the other was to get my gaaadang eyes checked. Well.. I actually have three important tasks to complete. The other is to finish this frame for the sunset that I've never seen. But I haven't accomplished that yet. But, I've done the first two, and that's better than nothing, now isn't it Mr. Judgey Pants?

In the past, I have purchased many a'fine frame from PictureFrames.com, and decided to peruse their website to see if I could find something nice for .... oh wait a minute. I don't even have a title for the painting yet. That needs to change! How about... Material Experiment #1I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT! OK, back on track...  I decided to peruse their website to see if I could find something nice for Material Experiment #1.

I was searching for a frame that needed to meet certain criteria: It had to be 20x24 with at least a 3/4" rabbet. (The depth of the painting is 3/4", so the rabbet allows for the painting to be recessed into the frame correctly) I usually shop conservative, but I thought this time I'd look for a frame with spunk that would match the personality of my painting. After narrowing my search down to four frames, I finally decided on this one.  And I think it compliments the painting quite nicely, if I do say so myself! I can't wait until the frame is shipped. And for it to arrive. And to open the package. And to assemble it. And to frame the painting. And to hang it! Andtoprintouta labelforthe painting ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Alrighty... breathe. I got a little carried away. As soon as it's ready, it's heading over to the Manayunk Roxborough Art Center, in hopes that it will be selected to be in the May show!

My next task was to make an eye appointment. I've been having some trouble with dusky-driving, and Moe the bunny nibbled a lens or two in the past year so I figured now's the time to go. I did need a new prescription, so I had it filled in an old pair of frames. But...shhhh... I also have a little secret. ZenniOptical.com. You basically take your written prescription from the doctor's office, upload a picture of your face, and GO TO TOWN ON ORDERING GLASSES.  I ordered... get this... 3 PAIRS OF GLASSES. One pair of cool aviator sunglasses, and two pairs of fun fun glasses... FOR $60.60. Which is about $1,000.00 less than I'd pay in the store. I call that a win in my books! And now, I shall celebrate this occasion by adding coffee to cream and sugar.