
upcycled trash picker

Those who know me are aware of the fact that I love to trash pick. My dream would be to time travel to the 1980's, and scour through the trash of middle class America because let's face it: They'd be throwing away all their cool hand-me-downs from the 60's and 70's to buy Tupperwear and plastic EVERYTHING because that's just what'cha did at that time. Then I'd get back in my time machine and travel to 1990, so I could find Fraggle Rock memorabilia. But, since time travel isn't available quite yet, I settle for any opportunity that arises to save cool things from the ever growing trash heap.

Yesterday, I caught a co-worker throwing out an old coffee carafe because it had become cracked and gross. I don't blame him: That thing was indeed, cracked and gross. However, my little imaginative brain kicked into high gear, and images of the horrid coffee pot becoming a beautiful flower pot popped into my head. So I told him, "Why don't you let me take that home, so I can recycle it?" (a side note, our company does not have recycling, because they are evil.) AND RECYCLE I DID! Or to use my favorite Etsy term: I upcycled it. It's not my favorite term though. I hate it actually. At least Regretsy makes fun of people on Etsy for overusing it. But it fits, and so we shall press on.

I took Mr. Carafe home with me yesterday, and after a brief trip to Lowes for foliage and spray paint, I was on my way to creating my planty planter. One coat of primer, and two coats of red was all it took to make my little flowery dreams come true. I got this pretty little yellow flowering plant, and I'm so excited because it's a creeper, just like me.

Now if only I could find something to do with the rest of the crap I pick up from around town.