time to eat, larry?
This past weekend, I finally finally FINALLY finished painting our kitchen. A small feat for some, but it took me awhile. 3 days to be exact. OK, not an entire three days. Just Friday night, plus Saturday and Sunday from about 10am-3pm. Alright. I watched a couple episodes of House Hunters on HGTV while I was painting. And Chopped. Busted. Now, everything is painted the same color! Even the phone jack. We don't have a land line, so this jack has been completely useless to us thus far. I can't hang my Droid up on it, as you see here. And we don't have an actual phone number, so even if I plug in my phone purse, I can't dial anyone to tell them I'm talking to them over a purse. Why else would I have a phone purse? Sheesh.
Dilemma, dilemma, what to do. Finally, I thought of a solution. Cover it with a painting! But, I didn't have a painting. So, I made one! I had a tiny little canvas leftover from a project that never was, along with the brilliant idea to use some of my cheap-o acrylic paints. Squeeze, squeeze goes the paint, and voila! Instant phone jack hider-overer cover thing. After the globs of paint dried, I decided to give it a coat of Mod Podge to seal it all up. I ran into a slight problem though. I was hungry. And my glob painting turned into this <--
It's all good though. As soon as I make a frame for the hungry painting, it'll go right up on the wall over the phone jack. I still wish I could call people from the phone purse, though. Our opossum Larry would be proud. He's always hungry, seeing as that he lives in our trashcan. Larry and I have a lot in common. I like to curl up in that position, too. Just not on rancid chicken bones. That's where we differ.
UPDATE: Larry was set free this past Tuesday! After carefully dumping him pouring him from the trashcan into a have-a-heart trap, we loaded him up into Lou's truck bed for his little journey. I tried giving him a carrot, but he was angry and peed all over the place.