
new design + 150 sqaures.

Do you like my new design?  I'll keep tweaking it here and there until I... don't... well, until I like it I guess.  But I like the new header I did.  See what an extra free twenty minutes at work and an old magazine can do?  I took a photo of my cutout letters and manipulated some of the brightness and contrast in Photoshop. 

In other exciting news...
I tried to make myself look nice, but that doesn't work at 9am.
I finished a total of 150 squares!  Only ONLY 74 to go. I couldn't be more excited!  Actually I could, if I had 210 done and only 14 to go.  But I'll get there!  And I could this weekend, seeing that the Philajerseynewyorkeverywhere area is supposed to get pounded with a Nor-Easter like whoa.  I don't think it'll be too bad here, but it'll be enough to keep me productive and warm inside the confines of my home. 

Different hair!  And... braaaaaaaaaainssssss...
It's Halloween weekend too.  I had high hopes that this year would be the year that I got off of my crafting butt and created a bitchin' costume.  Alas, my quilt making and zombie run made it a daunting task.  So this year... I go again as a zombie (like I'm complaining).  I'm banking on my liquid latex and makeup to make it look good this year, better than my zombie from three years ago.

Here were my awesome ideas that didn't materialize:
The "morning after" girl, present on every Saturday and Sunday morning Septa route
A #2 pencil
A box of Summers Eve
Lucile Bluth
It's Pat from SNL