
cheers inspiration, you strike again.

Two things happened today: Back in May, I ordered a commemorative brick for my dad's birthday and it was finally put in it's place at the Battleship New Jersey.  How is this for inspiring?  He volunteers his time two to three days a week to help preserve the Battleship so future generations (as well as current generations) can learn about our past.  I couldn't be more proud of a person, and I thought this was an honorable present for a well deserving Dad. 

I also went to the local spice shop on my lunch break today and picked up a couple tubs of spices and seasonings for ma'boyfriend's friend.  Technically he is my friend too, but I must give props to the original friend of the friend, since they've been friends for probably 30 years.  OKenoughofthat.  I can always tell how much he enjoys cooking both for himself and for others.  The words he chooses to describe how he cooks, the aromas he smells, and the flavors of his dishes are simply wonderful.

So I got him a couple things that will hopefully inspire him to experiment with new flavors.  To inspiration!  (I'm lifting an imaginary glass to cheers myself.)