
damage control.

In light of my most recent blog post adventure, I decided to get smart and do a little bit of damage control. One of my goals moving forward is to not let this happen to me again. (Seriously, the anxiety is getting me all verklempt.) And one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by making fabric labels to stitch into all of my creations. Hopefully, this will deter any buyer from saying "HEY! LOOK WHAT I MADE!"  Now they can say "HEY! LOOK WHAT THIS NODYL'S NOODLES WHATEVER PERSON MADE!"  Score one for team me.

I did a little bit of Google research into how I could accomplish this. And believe me, the results were interesting!  Did you know that you can print directly on fabric from your computer printer?  I sures' hell didn't. Craft Passion gave a wonderful and really informative tutorial on this method and many others, along with the pros and cons associated with each. As a crafter, I really appreciate all of the time and effort they put into their research! While this looked like it could have been my winning choice for my fabric labels, I decided against it for one main reason: The only printer I have access to is at work. FAIL.

I quickly ruled out using iron on transfer paper. I've used it in the past for quick n' quirky t-shirts, but the quality isn't as reliable or professional as I'd like it to be. Silk screening would be AWESOME and would be my number one choice... but I haven't done it since college. And I don't have any of the required hardware. Or ink. So... no.

My final choice? This!
That's right folks.  A good ol' custom rubber stamp with the Nodyl's Noodles logo (1x2-1/2") and a VersaCraft ink pad, especially made for fabric printing. VersaCraft can be heat-set so the stamps become permanent on the fabric used, which looks like that'll give me the reliable and professional results that I so desire! Once I get my stamp and ink in the mail, I'll practice and take pictures of the results!