
waxy solution

I have a triptych painting that I completed earlier in 2011 that was never quite... finished. I love the simplicity of it, and the colors are bright but not overwhelming. It reminds me of a sunset that I've never seen. I know that doesn't make sense. But, when I close my eyes and see an idyllic sunset, that's what I picture.

Sorry sunset, this is not what I'm picturing... This is awkward.
Like I said, it's never quite looked finished. One reason might be the fact that it contains 3 canvases (one is 9x12 and two are 4x6) and has never been framed. That screams UNFINISHED. I came across my little creation when I was reorganizing, and I immediately set it in the "to finish" pile. I thought experimenting with wax would be fun with this painting, because it would slightly smooth the lines while keeping the colors bright and vibrant. Plus... why not? If there's room to play, then I'M ALL IN.

On Saturday, I set out to the Salvation Army to find a used pan so I could melt my wax on the stove. Twenty minutes later with a $1.99 pan in hand, the wax was melted and I began to brush it onto the paintings. At first, I thought it sucked: It was lumpy and uneven, not smooth and polished like I wanted. But I began to see some potential. Once I was finished layering the wax on the canvas, I took it upstairs and brought out the big guns: My blow-dryer and my persistence.

Using some old sculpture knives my morning nemesis, I started smoothing and manipulating the wax: Taking it from some areas and reapplying it to others. Now... I think it's looking pretty awesome. My next step is to create a frame for the paintings out of heavy duty quality plywood. (As you might recall, I'm not so swift when it comes to word work. Looks like I'll be asking Lou for some help!)
I'm not sure how I'll arrange them yet, but here's a preview!